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What is the most effective way to obtain behaviour change for sustainability?

What is the most effective way to obtain behaviour change for sustainability? Love everyone. People behave unsustainably because they are unaware of their true nature and that of the Earth’s. If people were aware they would not harm themselves or our living Mother who supports us.

People are wounded from disappointments in life. Be it not having their needs met when children or later in life. These unmet emotional needs leave a longing for more within them, a desire, a wanting. They search out things to meet those needs, those wants and desires, but things are not the solution. What people really want and need is to be seen, heard, loved and accepted as they are. They want to be themselves and follow their hearts doing what they are passionate about – then they are full-filled and don’t need things to fill the holes in their heart.

Life is really very simple. Human beings have made it complex and in that complexity is the materialistic, success striving, constantly more obtaining ethic. That is not God’s will or nature’s will. Mother Earth gives freely to all her children. If they live simply taking only what they need for themselves and their family’s comfortable survival then she can accommodate it. It is only because we live in excess, distorted balance, that the Earth is struggling to cope with our demands. She can balance back up, but doing so results in shifts and changes that we don’t necessarily like – natural disasters – floods, volcanic eruptions, ice ages, etc. These are catastrophic to those who live in those places, but the Earth has to regulate her energies and discharge the negative energy somewhere. It is at these pressure points that natural disasters occur.

So to solve the unsustainable behaviour we need people to choose to live more simply. Most won’t for they see that as a sacrifice. They don’t realise they would gain joy, peace, health and happiness from living more simply connected to nature and each other. They would gain peace of mind and true wealth through a greater inner connection with their higher self and God.

Each human will eventually come to realise this as they see the materialistic rat race as a dead-end street resulting in exhaustion, misery, confusion and loss. It results in disease, loneliness, fear, isolation and competition. These are not the natural state of human beings, but it is what we have become by focusing on work, achievement and success. When we could have just as easily chosen peace, harmony, community, sharing and supporting each other to enjoy life to the full.

The solution – awareness, love, healing. Helping people to realise they have a choice, that being more sustainable is not a loss, a sacrifice, but a treasure of wealth unimaginable for them and their families who would finally have time for each other, to connect deeply and share life experiences. A treasure for them to share with their children and so on, until after a few generations living sustainably will seem just as normal as the materialistic lifestyle. Those still being materialistic will not be envied, but pitied, for we know the burden they carry as a result of their choices and the shallowness of their experience of life.

So love one another, meet each other’s needs and share abundantly the harvest of the Earth. Live happily and peacefully connected to your hearts and the Earth Mother.

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) can help to clear out the emotional pain from the past and any unmet needs. It can help people to come out of survival mode, using addictions, distractions or busyness to escape the pain. It can help people come out of shutdown, numbness, hopelessness, back into a calmer more peaceful state where they can then interact with themselves, others and Earth from a more peaceful place.

TRE helps to release the stress, tension and traumas of life. When your nervous system calms and your body feels safer then that emptiness, that painful hole no longer needs to be stuffed full with other objects, things, distractions or desires. Once the hole has been healed you are able to rest and BE. You are no longer driven in sympathetic fight or flight activation. No longer shut down in freeze dorsal vagal parasympathetic activation. You relax into ventral vagal parasympathetic rest and repair mode enabling your body to heal and for you to open to a life with greater peace, health and connection. It is these things that are truly rewarding, truly satisfying, and they are key to having people choose to live more simply and sustainably. Healing our hurts so we no longer are weighed down by them is a key step in creating the change we wish to see in the world. Be the change. Be the light and love of humanity by healing your own wounds.

Polyvagal Curve by Ruby Jo Walker

By Jodi-Anne (15 June 2015).

Further free guidance on healing techniques and self love are available on the Life Insights and Healing from child abuse pages of this website.

Learning from your life experiences – career

pathEver wonder why things happen the way they do, what it was you were meant to learn from certain experiences. I asked my higher self what it was I was meant to learn from my career experiences. This is what I channeled (04 Jan 2015).

You learned what you valued and cared about. You learned you don’t like sitting in an office all day. You don’t like doing boring repetitive tasks. You learned you like to be part of a team of people committed to what they are doing and making the world a better place. You learned you don’t like organisational politics or egoic competition. You learned that you enjoy success, but success means making a difference, helping to improve people’s lives or the state of the planet.

You learned enjoyment of life, free time is more important than money and possessions. You learned that working all the time led to drudgery and that balance is needed. You learned freedom and choice is important to you and routine is stifling. You learned it is okay to want less, work less and have balance, time for friends and family and self reflection. You learned spiritual pursuits are the most important aspect of life for you and that time in nature soothes your soul.

You learned that politics deadens life at work, that people don’t enjoy their work very much or often and that most people wouldn’t do their current jobs if they had the choice and didn’t need the money. Few work because they love or enjoy it. XXXXX was a role model for you – he loves what he does and does it well. He succeeds and he does play the politics game a little. He was immoral in some ways which you judged but that just showed you that you prefer to be honest no matter what. You love interacting with people in healthy ways and don’t like lies, games, politics, deceit or any form of corruption. You learned ethics is important to you as is people ‘walking their talk’, genuineness and honesty.

Through all the disappointments you learned a lot about yourself and your current work place teaches you further. You learn that yes you like to be of service, to be traveling around throughout the day. You prefer to be taking action rather than theorising or having meetings that don’t achieve anything. You prefer action and get bored when you do not have work to do. It shows you that you still hold fear of conflict, of being told off and you still let yourself be intimidated by others. You are learning to step up and take action despite the fear.

You are learning you don’t need to be perfect and work yourself to exhaustion, that it is okay to relax and enjoy your work, to get to know your colleagues and spend time interacting with them. You are learning to let go of petty annoyances and not judge the choices others make. You are learning to forgive and choose peace, no matter the situation. You are learning to expect things to go well and to be easy – to not psych yourself out about learning new things or feel you can’t do it / overwhelmed by it.

You are learning to see it is all perfect and helping you evolve and grow, to awaken from your gloom and false thinking, to see with clarity the many gifts you have been given. Your career has helped you to understand what you stand for and care about. It has helped you a lot. See this. Appreciate it. Let go of the disappointment and resentments and see the gifts that have resulted. Blessed BE.

Why is humanity so materialistic?

Humanity chooses to stay enmeshed in pain and loss as it is what is known. The majority of people come from a space of self importance focused on what they can get. This isolates them from others and their heart. In this state of separation they can feel nothing but loss and grief. No matter how much they achieve or wealth they get, they will still feel loss – as it is the loss of the heart, of love, of God that they are truly longing for.

Materialistic focuses result in poverty thinking. There is always more to get or someone else with more to compare yourself too and to feel bad about yourself and your situation because of. It also leads to fear, fear of losing what you do have and fear you won’t get enough in the future. This fear can build to anxiety, depression, desperation resulting in compulsive acquiring behaviours and hoarding situations. It is all fear based as a result of disconnection from the heart and God. In desperation people cling to the objects they do have. They do not realise these things can not bring them lasting happiness.

It is a sad situation when the world is focused on materialistic endeavours. There is no time for joy, for having fun, for connecting deeply and sharing with others, family and friends. There is no honouring of Mother Earth or recognition of her healing and supportive powers. Instead she is seen simply as a commodity – a supplier of resources to be taken and used in the pursuit of material success.

This is not how life is meant to be. Slow down. Simplify. Connect with yourself and your children. Spend time with them. They need your love and attention. They need time with you. They need this connection with you more than they need any material item. They can go without the latest gadget or fashion item. They can not go without your love. To do so results in more dysfunction and a repeating of the cycle as they then try to succeed to feel special, in the hope they will then be loved.

You are all loved just as you are. Slow down and feel the Earth’s heartbeat, feel the pulse of life, allow abundance to flow to you. You do not have to work so hard for it. You don’t have to cling to a pittance, when true wealth is available to you. Connect with your heart, your inner guidance. What is it you really want to do? What do you really care about? Do that. Heal your wounds so you feel peaceful inside. Then you don’t need to strive endlessly outside yourself for that which has always been available to you inside yourself.

Slow down. Love and accept yourself and those around you. Know you are all doing the best you know how to do at this time. You are all healing and evolving and moving towards Christ-Consciousness – a space of love, connectedness and kindness to all. May it manifest quickly in all your hearts as you open to the possibility of living life differently, of being seen as your authentic self, as you drop away the facade / image you have used to please others or get acceptance. It is okay to just be you. You are good enough. You are perfectly okay just as you are. Choose peace and be kind to yourself. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Blessed BE. Amen.

By Jodi-Anne (12 June 2015).

Further free guidance on healing techniques and self love are available on the Life Insights and Healing from child abuse pages of this website.

You can change your brain! (part 2)

Below is part 2 of the infographic explaining the concepts of neuroplasticity from the Alta Mira Centre. This infographic explains that we can train the brain and rewire it by altering how we think. It shows how mindfulness and meditation can help us create new pathways in the brain. The infographic was created by the Alta Mira Centre –

To see part 1 of the infographic – click here.

Do not despair

This is a message I channeled from my higher self (8 Feb 2015).

Do not despair at the process child. Life is a series of events that challenge our faith and help us to heal and evolve. It is as it is meant to be. Yes sometimes unfair things happen, bad things happen to good people. It is just life and how it works. No one no matter how good will be spared from tragedy and hard work. It is life to work through sadness and other emotions. It is life guiding you forth to seek the light, to love the Lord and God with all your heart. It is life’s journey.

Do not despair. See the growth. See the advancement. See the beauty of nature and allow life to flow like it does in nature. Rest peacefully like the beasts, trusting nature/God to provide all that is needed. Blessed BE. Choose peace and enjoy life despite the challenges. Be kind and loving and happy with what you have. Trust it is all happening as it needs to. Blessed BE. Amen.

You can change your brain! (part 1)

Below is an infographic explaining the concepts of neuroplasticity – that our brains continue to grow and change. They are not hardwired as was previously believed. This infographic explains the latest findings in neuroplasticity and its links to addiction, compulsive behaviours and how to change these. It was created by the Alta Mira Centre – To read the whole article go to:

Part One
Image created by Alta Mira Centre –

To view part 2 of the infographic click here.

Conscious evolution – the process of our awakening on Earth.

cuddle earthI gave a talk at a Unite the Light event in 2013. This was the handout I channeled (5 July 2013).

This earthly plane is one of deep challenges – deep highs and lows so that you can learn and evolve just as Mother Earth and her creatures do. You all do. We all evolve and grow into the perfection of selfless love, peace and joy at connecting with our true self, our God given self – the creator within us.

It is time for humanity to wake up to this gift of life on Earth – its highs and lows – to see the opportunity for soul growth that it presents. It is time to see the blessings with all events, the lessons you are to learn, the peace of forgiveness and letting God lead your life. It is time to flow with what is rather than fight or resist it. It is time to trust and surrender, not cling or hold onto that which you judge dear. Trust that whatever leaves your life leaves for a reason and that something wondrous will enter in time.

Life on Earth is not a bed of roses. How boring that would be! We have a place for that, a place in another dimension where all beings live harmoniously in connection to all that is. Earth is different. Earth is a place of duality and as such you are meant to feel highs and lows, to experience what it means to be happy and sad, to feel love and betrayal, to feel ecstasy and loss. If the dark did not exist you could not know the light. This is the purpose of life on Earth to feel, to learn the opposites, to be in density – physical and emotional, and find your way through. That is what you are doing. That is why you experience what you do.

It is not punishment or bad luck. It is not karma in the sense most think of it as. It is your choice. You chose to come and learn certain lessons or master certain situations. How could you learn how to forgive if no one hurt you? How could you learn peace unless you experienced war or deep fear? These opposites exist to help you and those souls that join with you on Earth are serving you. Helping you to evolve and grow. Those that hurt you are truly serving you. They love you. At the soul level you and they are one. We all are. There is not but I. There is not but God. All is God, Creator, Universe. It matters not what you call it.

God does not judge. He/She only loves. Loves all beings, all creations, all experiences. You have these experiences to learn and grow. You cannot offend God with your actions. You can only harm yourself with your own judgments and painful thinking. God just loves you. God knows that you are experiencing what you need for your evolution. Your needs not necessarily wants. You get what is needed to advance your soul’s growth and development, to become the master you came here to be.

Do not judge each other. Do not think one soul is more advanced than another. All are on the same path, learning the same lessons. Each has their areas of weakness to master and that is why they’re here. No realised being is on Earth in a physical body. All are here to learn and grow. Some who hold the lowliest positions have the most light. Success in not what you think it is. Success is inner peace. Success is inner joy. Success is love, surrender and trusting what comes. Success is the ability to BE and bless all who come your way, to live in harmony on Earth as we do in Heaven.

Heaven is not a place as such but a state of being, a dimensional space that overlaps with the physical plane. It is here. You just can’t see it or feel it till you reach the vibration of it. That is what we’re evolving to. That is what we’re to become – beings of light and love. Those here are way-showers, are leaders of the light, opening to these concepts prior to the masses. You are the ones chosen to blaze the trail for others to follow. Many of you chose very challenging life experiences to master so that you could relate to others from a place of experience and resolution of those challenges. You are brave souls with big hearts who have come to serve humanity. You are here to light the way, to hold strong in the face of adversity and speak to the hearts of all men, of all beings, to reconnect to love and light.

Mother Earth supports you in this journey. Mother Earth is the vehicle for growth. She adjusts and changes as you change. The energies of humans affect her deeply, but she adjusts as needed. Natural disasters are simply the Mother’s way of releasing built up tension and energy blockages. This energy is released in volcanic explosions, tidal waves, earth quakes, hurricanes and fires. These balance the energy back up. Mother Earth does what she needs to do to survive. Yes our actions affect her but she will live on. We may not. If we damage her too much, she may need to expel us in order to survive. It is we who are endangered not her. It is us who hurt ourselves by living unsustainably and being disconnected from our hearts. It is us who will suffer the consequences of our deeds.

This is why it is so important for us to reconnect to our hearts, our intuition, our guidance systems – to hear, see and feel the messages of truth, of what we need to do to be of service to the whole, of what we are here to do. It is for one purpose and one purpose only that we are here – to perform a role that no other can perform. We each have a destined role to play that no one else can do as they haven’t had our past lives or our own unique gifts and wisdom to share. Life leads us towards that. Life reveals it to us when the time is right.

Mine is to channel the messages of my heart, to share my experiences and my discoveries of healing and acceptance of God, life, the way the Universe works. I know I only know a fraction of the truth. My insights are likely flawed for no one on Earth can know all things. But we learn some and can access guidance for others. It is this that I came to share and I thank you for listening this evening. I hope my sharing has given you food for thought about life, our process of growth and the next stages you face on your path. Blessed BE everyone. Thank you for this opportunity. It is with love, humility and gratitude I thank you for shining your light for all to see. Amen.

Focus on what is right in your life, not on what is wrong

My higher self gave me this simple but important advice (19 Nov 2014).

When you fall into a low mood wondering if it is all worth it, it is because you are focused on what is wrong with the world and your life, instead of focusing on what is right and possible. You are getting better at focusing on what you want, on believing it is possible, on enjoying life regardless of the situation.

What is the most useful response to terror, to world events?

What is the most useful response to terror, to world events? I asked this question of my higher self and this is what I channeled (25 Jan 2015).

Child it benefits no one for you to allow it to terrorize you, shock you and numb you. It benefits no one to fight against it and allow poisonous, toxic, and negative thoughts to fill your mind. Rage and terror harm the body. Be spurred into action if you feel pulled to do so, but do it from love, kindness, peace and a desire to see that spread further and further a field.

Visualize calm, tranquil energy flooding war torn areas and blanketing all with a snow of love and peace and in time it will come about. See stillness creating space for people to feel their hearts, to question their actions and motives, to awaken and evolve to loving actions, God-like actions. Each soul does this in turn, in their divine timing.

Each soul needs their life challenges in order to have the opportunity to use their free will and say ‘No more!’, to choose differently, to not be oppressed or oppressive. Each needs their chance to choose faith in God and letting go of fear or ego control. Each needs life circumstances that brings them to their knees, to call out to God and let God in.

Each needs to learn they can’t do it alone, so that they learn to call his name and welcome God into their hearts. Each needs the suffering to break free of and to appreciate the light and joy once it is anchored into their flesh.

Each needs their synchronicities and miracles to convince them there is more to life than we see. It is all part of the plan. So do not despair. Do not fight. Do not give up. Just see the light. See the bigger picture and celebrate the freedom to chose how you look at every situation.

See it is all good and all part of God’s plan. Yes send love and light. Yes speak up if you wish and take action, but do it from a place of peace, a place of knowing it is all okay, all part of the dance of life.

No need to try and convert anyone, to convince anyone of anything. Let them awaken in their own time, as will you. You can show people choices, educate them on options if they ask, but don’t force or try to change them because people resist being told, manipulated, shamed. It just makes them dig in further to their current beliefs. Send love and accept it is okay that they choose differently to you at this time.

Jesus loved all sinners and saints. He helped all to awaken to love. He did not judge those that did not know what they do. He declared his love for God and respect for life and he led by example. Do the same.

Be an example of what you believe, of what you would like the world to become. Be of peace and love yourself and let that flow out into the world. Let love and light be the legacy you leave behind. Let love and light be all you see and do. Then there is no war in your body or your world. If enough people do this there will be no war ever.

Let the light spread brightly across the globe – your inner world and outer world. All is as it is meant to be. Trust. Set yourself free and worry not. No need for fuss or tears. Be free of it. No need to convince anyone else of this approach as valid, right or acceptable. Each has to find their own way in the world. Blessed BE. Amen.