Healing from child abuse

Welcome to this page on healing from child abuse. Here you will find a range of resources to help yourself or others to heal from painful beginnings to life. I will keep adding to this page regularly, so check back from time to time to see what’s new. I hope you find it helpful.

The healing journey

Here you will find an overview of the healing journey and what is involved.

The impacts of child abuse

Child abuse has impacts on all aspects of life. Here are some videos explaining it.

Overcoming fear and anxiety

Fear and anxiety are common if you have suffered from a painful beginning. Your body has all the buried emotions and trauma inside and this shows up as fear and anxiety. Your nervous system is locked in fight, flight or freeze, making it difficult for you to relax and enjoy life. To heal you need to transform the emotional pain, release the trauma and calm your nervous system. Thankfully I can show you how to do this.

overcoming addiction

Addiction has a lot more to do with social isolation and unhappiness than it has to do with the addictive nature of the substance used. Addiction is often the result of childhood trauma and it is used to numb from and to cope with the emotional pain. Healing addiction, therefore, involves healing the emotional pain and the disconnection from self and others. We need to help the person to form strong connections with their authentic self, their body and with a supportive community. Read the below articles and watch the videos to learn more about how to help yourself or your loved one who suffers from addiction.

Overcoming emotional abuse

How do we heal from emotional abuse? (video 13:58 mins)

Overcoming childhood sexual abuse

There are so many impacts from childhood sexual abuse that I have made 3 different blogs/videos to explain them and how we can heal them.

overcoming financial abuse

Another type of abuse is financial abuse where a person is taken advantage of and controlled through limiting access to their finances. Here is a link to a useful website explaining what financial abuse is and ways to break free of it.

overcoming domestic abuse

Sadly, many people who have been abused as a child end up in relationships where they continue to be abused. Addiction is often a factor fuelling the violence. Here is a link to a useful website explaining how to heal from domestic abuse and associated addiction issues. There is more information about understanding and healing from addiction available on my webpage dedicated to that topic.

Healing resources

Below are some resources for healing from child abuse. Further helpful information is also available from Helping Survivors whose mission is to assist anyone who has been victimized by sexual assault or abuse.

Respond SA / Relationships Australia download – It’s Not Your Fault – men talk about living beyond the effects of child sexual abuse.
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA) download – The Morris Centre’s Survivor to thriver – manual and workbook for adult survivors of child abuse who want to move on with life.
ASCA download – Joan Spears ‘Can I trust my memory: a handbook for survivors with partial or no memories of childhood sexual abuse’.

Related topics

Healing Support Services

There are a wide range of government and non-government organisations that offer free support for those that have experienced child abuse. Please reach out and get the support you need. The below are links to services in Australia, but similar services will be available in many countries. Check with your Doctor/GP to find out details of what is available in your area or google ‘Help Lines’ and your country.

Jodi-Anne’s book on healing from child abuse

In 2011 Jodi-Anne published a book about her healing journey. She explained the process of healing from child abuse using examples from throughout her life. There are many stages to work through and much that has to be learned so that you can release conditioning, create effective boundaries, and have healthy relationships with yourself and others. It takes time and effort to change negative self-beliefs and release buried emotions and trauma. Doing this helps your body to transition from fight or flight into peace and harmony.

The book contains her story but also advice on self help techniques you can use to support yourself on your journey. It also contains appendices showing how she used art and dream analysis as healing tools. Jodi-Anne recommends these techniques to all as they are very powerful.

The book can be purchased online as an e-book or a paperback book. (Once the page opens click on the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page to show the price in your currency).

It is her hope that this book helps others to progress more quickly along their healing journey, that through her sharing they understand the process and feel inspired to take action. You truly can break free of the past. It is possible and it is so worth it!

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