The root cause of addiction

Great 3 minute video summarising the research findings around the root cause of addiction, and how addiction can be healed.


For more information, read the article here:

More Psych-K videos

Why Psych-K works (4:24 mins video)

How Bruce Lipton & Rob Williams met (6:02 mins video)

High-speed mindset change (7:31 mins video)

Important information about Psych-K balances (7:37 mins video)

What does the term Psych-K stand for? (8:48 mins video)


The psychology of change – explaining Psych-K (73:00 mins video)

The evolution of consciousness (28:35 mins video)

The evolution of consciousness

This is a great video focused on all the topics I love! Rob Williams who created it describes it as ‘The world is in crisis and transformation. Now, our civilization has the opportunity to evolve it’s thinking. We are beginning to realize that the old ways of competition and “survival of the fittest” are not sustainable, for individuals, businesses, or the planet. Nature may be our most qualified life coach, with millions of years of experience in creating sustainability. It’s time to look to Her wisdom for some answers. It’s time to do something different! The evolution occurs when we try smarter- not harder!’

The video explores what we can learn from ancient wisdom from indigenous cultures, from nature and from neuroscience. It shows how we can change and create a more sustainable world for us all. One of the things I love out of the video is its acknowledgment of the principles of nature including interconnectedness. Rob shares some of the many cultural greetings that acknowledge this interconnectedness including:

  • India – “Namaste” – the divinity within me recognises and honours the divinity within you
  • Mayan – “In’ Lakesh” – I am another you
  • Africa – “Eh-ti-zain” – How is your soul perceiving the world
  • Lakota / Native American – “Mitakuye Oaysin” – All are related
  • Polynesia – “Aloha” – I recognise the presence of divine breath in you
  • German – “Gruss Gott” – Greetings God

He shares findings from neuroscience, physics and biology to show that scientific minds also believe in these principles of nature. For instance, Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics 1933, is quoted as saying “The total number of minds in the Universe is one.” While Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security”

Rob explains how our subconscious beliefs affect what we think, feel and do. He shows how much of current society is based around beliefs of separateness, survival of the fittest, greed is good, etc and how these have led to the state of the world we see. He explains a scientifically proven process for changing subconscious beliefs called Psych-K and encourages people to change their subconscious beliefs to align with the principles of nature – such as cooperation, collaboration, harmony, balance, and interconnectedness. This would dramatically change the way that we operate in the world.

Psych-K is just one of many techniques now available that enable change of subconscious beliefs. I am trained in Psych-K and use it on myself on a pretty much daily basis to change any negative, self defeating or just unhelpful beliefs that I discover. It has been one of the most significant tools I’ve used in my healing journey.