Why does child abuse occur?

bonding with dadChild abuse occurs because individuals are hurt and disconnected from God. It is their pain that lashes out and is taken out on the children. They could instead hand that pain to God, ask for it to be healed and trust it will be in time. Yes, it is part of the evolution of souls, however, God would rather we find his love quickly, not suffer, but he gave us free will and will not interfere. He doesn’t want us to suffer. He calls out to us quickly and often, but many don’t hear.

It truly can be heaven on earth if we allow it and make it so. Choose to by focusing on peace and love, being God-centered and spreading his love and message, his call to assist us to return to love. No need for abuse or learning the slow, hard way, but that is what we choose with our thoughts, reactions to events and our mistrust of life.

If we give over our emotions to him, if we pray to him for help, if we trust that help comes, then we can have peace, accepting and flowing through life events rather than fighting and resisting them. That is the key – accept and allow, flow through whatever occurs and choose peace and love regardless of the outer situation. Trust it will shift. Be grateful for it and see it occurring. Use your skills and wisdom to ride through any storm. Choose peace. So be it. Blessed BE.

By Jodi-Anne (29 Jan 2015).
Further free guidance on healing techniques and self love are available on the Life Insights and Healing from child abuse pages of this website.

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