What to do when you feel blue about the state of the Earth?

cuddle earthRecently I have been feeling weighed down by the state of the planet, the enormity of the sustainability challenges we are facing and the difficulty of getting behaviour change. I asked for a message from Mother Earth about all of this. Here is what I channeled (23 Nov 2013).

Child it is I who talks to you all the time. It is my energy you hear in your head, for I dwell inside all beings. I am not in turmoil, I am just in a process of flux, of natural evolutionary growth. Do not fear a doomsday apocalyptic ending for that will not occur. Love will reign supreme on this planet and will heal the hearts of man and revitalise the natural elements of all.

There is nothing to fear or worry about. Be happy. Yes, human actions impact me, but it is of minor significance for I am much stronger than your scientists think. I can discharge adverse energies through natural disasters and rebalance myself to a state of peace and tranquility. Yes, increasing natural disasters are occurring because there is much I have to release due to your actions, but that is not as devastating a thing as your media makes out. Not on a planetary level. On the human level it is disruptive if you happen to live at a place of flux, but those who live there chose this as part of their incarnation. All souls are aware of this. It is just your human minds that doubt and question.

So there is no need for panic or despair. Trust all is happening as it needs to. Yes beings raising their vibration and spreading love helps to cancel out the adverse energies, thereby reducing the need for me to have so many releases, which you call natural disasters. So, yes what you do matters. It is this energy work you do that is so much more important than how you choose to live. Yes, it would be good for people to consume less and conserve. It all helps. But as you know we all have many energetic bodies and the physical is the densest. You make a much bigger impact through being love, having internal peace and harmony than you do by just recycling or donating to an orphanage or other cause. It all helps. It is all important, but it is your inner work that has the biggest impact.

Be the love you want to see in the world.
Be the love you want to see in the world.

So what I need from you and all beings is to have them understand this and to focus on creating inner and outer harmony in their lives, for then I will follow suit. Don’t panic or fear. Don’t predict the worst. Trust in love and joy and be this in the world. Celebrate life, live in a state of gratitude for all you have and vibrate at the level of the I AM Consciousness – that is what is needed most. So focus on that for yourself and assist others to do the same.

Do not waste your energy focusing on obtaining behaviour change for sustainability in the traditional sense. Let others do that. Your work, your mission is much more important than that. You are to help yourself and others to reconnect to me, their hearts, God and all beings. To see we truly are connected and united as one being. To create harmony and love for all. To see that connection, the synchronicity of life and its evolutionary process, to see we are all evolving into beings of love and peace. You are a wayshower for this.

You are an anchor for great light as are your Unite the Light and Abdy colleagues. A great many are doing this work and it is working. We are all awakening to oneness and love of All There Is. So do not fret, do not panic and do not give up. Be yourself, a bright beacon of light and joy for all to see. This is your mission, your joy, your destiny. So be it Child. Thank you for caring and for being the bright light that you are. Adieu.

Should I share this message as a blog post?

Yes Child you can do so. Some will relate, some will not, but a message of hope is useful. I am not saying don’t live sustainably, I am saying that it is okay if that doesn’t occur for all beings. I will not die and I won’t kick most of you off. I won’t need to as enough of you are waking up to love and peace, in yourselves and your lives, that you energetically help to balance up the actions of those who don’t. Yes, it would be great to see all of humanity choosing sustainable lives and supporting all beings, sharing and loving, but it is okay if this doesn’t happen overnight. It will not be the end of the world. Blessed BE.

By Jodi-Anne (23 Nov 2013).

Further free guidance on healing techniques and self love are available on the Life Insights and Healing from child abuse pages of this website.

Heart Matters: Our goal is joyous living

Life is a surprising twist of events each leading you to where you need to be, for nothing happens by accident. What we perceive as misfortune is actually a gift helping us turn within and seek answers in the only true place they exist.

Outside sources can give us glimpses of truth, of messages of the workings of the Universe – for these do exist, but each person has the specific insights that they need. Their soul speaks their language and can give the appropriate medicine at the perfect time. Trust in your soul and higher self – for they are you. You can not escape them. You can not disconnect from them. You may not feel or sense them when you are emotionally distraught, but they are always there encouraging you on, encouraging you forward on your evolutionary journey – to open and be all that you can be, to let go of fear and open to love. Love of self, of others, of Planet, of God and the Universe – love of the glories and mysteries of life.

This is bliss, this is connection and this is JOY ABSOLUTE. This is your purpose on Earth to reach that state of fullness, to shine so brightly you inspire others to awaken just by being next to them. This is the goal to live so joyously that your joy is contagious. What a great way to be! Follow your heart beloveds, follow your heart and find your freedom. We love you, you are always loved and held in the embrace of the Divine, for we are all around you cheering you on.

This message is from the heart of the one called Jodi-Anne, a message from her higher self, her soul to humanity. There is nothing unique in her ability to write these messages, for any body can do this if they become still enough to hear our whispers, to feel our love and to shine their light. Blessed Be. Enjoy your day. Adieu.