Jodi-Anne’s books

In 2011 Jodi-Anne published a book about her healing journey. She explained the process of healing from child abuse using examples from throughout her life. There are many stages to work through and much that has to be learned so that you can release conditioning, create effective boundaries, and have healthy relationships with yourself and others. It takes time and effort to change negative self-beliefs and release buried emotions and trauma. Doing this helps your body to transition from fight or flight into peace and harmony.

The book contains her story but also advice on self-help techniques you can use to support yourself on your journey. It also contains appendices showing how she used art and dream analysis as healing tools. Jodi-Anne recommends these techniques to all as they are very powerful. In the second edition published in 2018 Jodi-Anne explores the impacts of past lives and intergenerational trauma – that is trauma that you carry for your ancestors. Since first publishing this book in 2011, Jodi-Anne has studied Family Constellations as a powerful way for helping clients to unhook from that which they have carried on behalf of the family soul.

There are many aspects to the healing journey, to releasing that which no longer serves you, so you can live in peace. It is a long and tedious journey, but it is well worth the effort to free yourself, so you can live your life from a place of peace and happiness. May that day come soon.

The book can be purchased online as an ebook or a paperback book. (To purchase in your country’s currency, once the link opens, go to the bottom of the page and in the drop-down menu choose your currency)

It is her hope that this book helps others to progress more quickly along their healing journey, that through her sharing they understand the process and feel inspired to take action. You truly can break free of the past. It is possible and it is so worth it!

Jodi-Anne’s second book, published in 2018, is a collection of articles written by her whenever life took her to a challenging space. In those moments of darkness and despair, she asked for guidance and support from life, Universe, God. She would ask the most relevant question for her situation and listen for an answer. The articles are what she heard and recorded via automatic writing. They are not her words as such, but those that come through her to support her and humanity, for all beings go through these challenging moments – whether it is loss of a loved one, disappointment in their life, questioning their relationship, work, or life purpose.

This book contains 85 answers to help guide the reader as they navigate through life. It will be useful any time, but especially when you are feeling challenged by your life circumstances. It is at this time that we recommend you grab the book, identify the most relevant chapter and read it to help lift your spirit, your vibration, to help you see a way through the darkness, back into the light of day. For peace and happiness are there for all, once they learn how to navigate life’s challenges with love and self-acceptance.

The book can be purchased online as an ebook or paperback. (To purchase in your country’s currency, once the link opens, go to the bottom of the page and in the drop-down menu choose your currency)


Sustainability Publications

Jodi-Anne started her career as a sustainability educator who was focused on obtaining behaviour change, not just raising awareness. She did her PhD on this topic and spoke at many conferences and wrote numerous book chapters and journal articles. A detailed list is available here.

Throughout her research, Jodi-Anne became convinced that traditional sustainability education approaches were not going to be sufficient to get large scale behaviour change. To do so we need to help people heal the reason for living unsustainably, to heal the hurts and wounds that lead to addictions, overconsumption and living life at a pace beyond which our bodies are designed for. Hence her focus shifted more into psychology, counselling and healing so that she could help achieve greater behaviour change for the benefit of all including Mother Earth.

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