Family Constellations Facilitator Training 2024 (in person, in Meadows, South Australia)

Facilitating this training has been my greatest joy this year. I look forward to sharing it with whoever feels drawn to participate in 2024.

It is such a privilege to walk beside people on a healing journey. This Family Constellations Facilitator Training is a 6-month healing journey where you learn about the hidden dynamics within families that impact our health and wellbeing.

Learn about intergenerational trauma and how it passes down the family line looking for someone to face it, feel it and release it on behalf of all.

Learn how to see your life and your experiences from a systemic perspective, understanding why your parents and their parents may not have been fully available to nurture and nourish their children.

See the repeating patterns and how to shift them.

Feel your emotional hurts and transform them, speaking your truth to representatives of those involved.

Release what no longer serves you so that you can open to receive more love from life, Source, Earth, yourself and your family system.

Connect to the bigger processes unfolding, supporting your growth and healing.

This training is a 6-month journey of stepping into greater peace and love. It will involve some challenging moments as you face and feel the inner depths of your pain, your truth of how you feel and what you need, but you will come out of it empowered to create more of what you do want in your life.

And as a bonus you will have also learned how to and practiced facilitating constellations for yourself, others, and small groups. You will have the skills and knowledge to become a Family Constellations practitioner if you wish to do so.

There is no pressure to do this. You can simply do the training with the intention of focusing on your own healing and that of your family system. It is up to you.

With Family Constellations there is no right and wrong. We hold a space for what the field wants to reveal to us. We honour what we are shown and those involved.

We give thanks for the realisations and the freedom that comes from understanding the wider system and hidden dynamics shaping our families behaviour.

We honour all involved and give thanks for our lives. We face the truth and acknowledge what is.

We turn from that which has held us back and walk forward into the new feeling the support of our family system walking with us.

We feel the presence of our ancestors and foster a deeper sense of belonging, of being held, loved and supported by those who came before us and passed on life to us.

We honour life and the difficult journeys we have as humans with tender hearts in a world that can be deeply painful and cruel, as those around us act out their wounds and slowly return to their natural state of innocence.

Learn how to rest in the stillness, peace and love of the field, which holds you in pure light enabling you to rebalance, renew and refocus into living from a state of love.

If this feels interesting to you, if you are willing to go within and face what is, then you are welcome to do this training.

You don’t need to have any qualifications or existing skills.

I will provide you with a detailed manual explaining life from the Family Constellations perspective.

We will have one weekend a month together to do constellations, to share and heal deeply.

In between you read the manual and practice what you have learned.

We can stay in touch through a private Facebook Group and of course I am available for 1 on 1 sessions (but these are at an additional cost, discounted for training participants).

There are more details on my website including a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Blessed BE,


Family Constellations Workshop

Thank you to the 13 beautiful souls who came to yesterday’s Family Constellations Workshop to share their hearts, release their burdens, and open to love and life in deeper ways. Thank you for saying “Yes” to your lives, to looking within and feeling what needed to be felt.

It was an honour to facilitate the 6 constellations and to witness the shifts and changes taking place in us all as our hearts were touched by the depth of the human journey and the pain we carry until we discover how to transform it back into love, into wholeness and sacredness.

We had laughter and tears. We had noise and silence. We had sacred stillness and peace coming over us all as constellations came to completion. And we celebrated each of us and our progress on our healing journeys. It was wonderful to watch.

Thank you once again to all who came, to all who held space for us, and to your ancestors and family systems that provided such a safe space for you to come back to your hearts and love.

My next Family Constellations Workshop will be on Sunday, December 18th, 2022 as part of a Summer Solstice celebration at the Farm for Wellbeing in Flaxley. There will be a welcome to land with Aboriginal Elder David Booth and his son Kyle, a welcome to the farm and calling in of the directions, meditation and grounding process with Joan Carpenter, 2hrs of constellations with me, a fire ceremony with Vesna Cavic, dinner and a Sound Bath by Shanti Sound. It should be a fantastic day. Tickets will be available soon.

My next whole-day Family Constellations Workshop will be on Sunday, January 15th, 2023. To book in for a constellation or as a representative just message me.

The Family Constellations Facilitator Training starts on February 4-5th, 2023. This is a 6-month journey, learning how to facilitate constellations for yourself, and for others, as well as how to start a Family Constellations business if you wish to do constellations for clients one on one and in workshops. It will be a deeply healing process as you will get to do many constellation exercises for yourself as a part of the training and you will get to be a representative in the constellations done for others. If you are keen to do the Family Constellations Facilitator Training just message or email me at and I can send you more details.

Today is a day of rest and relaxation, giving thanks for yesterday and for all that occurred. Many blessings to all, Jodi-Anne