Snippets of wisdom…

Snippets of wisdom channeled July 2013.

Follow your heart. It will lead you where you most need to go – to be on purpose, on love and on bliss. For you can have these feelings all the time if you allow it.

Listen to your heart it will tell you what you need to do to have health, happiness and inner peace.So breathe into your heart. Visualise golden light awakening and enlivening it and let that light shine forth – soothing and awakening all souls you come in contact with. Spread love and light wherever you go and you will be a powerful servant of God – without even uttering a word.

You don’t have to have the answers or any knowledge. Just an open heart, that is all that is needed. Needed so much in all of society. Blessed BE. Light the way and enjoy each and every day as you live your life in gratitude and joy for all things.

Snippets of wisdom…

Snippets of wisdom channeled June 2013.

You don’t have to have a complex life. You don’t have to save the world, find the solutions. It is okay to do work you enjoy. It is okay to choose a simple life that fulfills you and brings you joy. This is the goal! To move beyond ego, beyond searching and seeking and be simple and still. To accept and flow with what is. To love life, serve yourself and others being anchored in God’s love.

This was a powerful message for me from my higher self. For most of my life I have felt driven to ‘save the world’, to ‘save Mother Earth’, to find the solutions for sustainability. I have known for a long time that this compulsive drive stemmed from my childhood conditioning – from wanting to save my Mother from an abusive husband (my step-dad), and from wanting to succeed enough that my Dad might take me back, might love me. My Dad loves nature and I spent a lot of time in nature with him when I was a young child, so in my mind it seemed natural to think that if I achieved in the sustainability field it would matter to him. Despite knowing the source of this pattern and the fact that my desire to rescue Mother Earth was just a projection of my needing to save myself, the pattern has remained in place. Partly because I didn’t feel that I was a worthwhile human being unless I was being of service to the Earth or to others. I felt unwanted, unlovable, and unsafe interacting with the world. I hid who I really was behind the work-a-holic, super achiever. This helped me cope, but it didn’t lead to happiness. It led to a lot of seclusion and ultimately depression when I finally faced the fact that success meant nothing.

Since that realisation I have done a lot of soul searching and reprogramming of my subconscious beliefs to know that I am lovable, I am good enough, I am wanted and worthwhile. This helped and for the last few years I have focused more on honouring myself and living a simple life. I have only worked part time and I haven’t focused on achieving very much at all. I live in the country surrounded by nature and I grow my own vegies, collect fire wood for our wood heater and compost our food scraps. This way of living makes my heart sing. I am at peace amongst nature and in the quietude of life. But too much isolation isn’t healthy either! Too much isolation leads to loneliness and eventually depression.

So now I’m venturing back out into the world and aiming to have balance between working and living simply. It is an interesting process watching the old stuff come up and being grateful that I can just lovingly dismiss it. I am not hooked by it. I don’t have to achieve. I don’t have to ‘save’ anyone or anything. It is okay for me to relax and enjoy life. It is okay for me to play and let people close. It is okay for me to love and follow my heart. It is okay for me to marry and have a baby. It has taken a long time to reach this place of peace. There has been lots of resistance, lots of grief and lots of fear. A big part of me would prefer to hide forever and keep people at a distance. But not my heart. My heart wants to love fully and deeply, to honour all who I come in contact with, including myself. I know now it is okay to be me. That it is enough and that it is all I need to do. It’s time to enjoy life and being me!!

Snippets of wisdom….

Snippets of wisdom channeled June 2013.

You went through what was needed to get you to God and it worked. Now you must live in both worlds.

You are second guessing the Divine and that is always pointless.

Just because you can’t see how it is going to work out, doesn’t mean it won’t. You are required to trust and have faith.

Sometimes it is tempting to question what the hell is going on here on Earth. I mean, seriously, do we have to go through so much pain and suffering? Do we have to become so lost in despair before we can find peace and happiness? The answer, for me, is yes. If life was all rosy and easy then we wouldn’t turn to God for help, we wouldn’t surrender to a higher power. We would live simply from the ego fulfilling our every desire and focused on achieving more, having more pleasure, and getting more material stuff. This is true for a lot of people. There may be some saints out there who go beyond the ego level without suffering first, but they are far and few in between.

It is often the case that people only open up to a higher purpose in life once they have hit rock bottom. Once they have tried all that they can do to heal themselves or lift themselves up out of the painful situation that they are in. It is when we fall to our knees in desperation and we call out to a God we may not even believe in or believe can help us, that we start to surrender, that we start to separate from the ego and to embrace a new possibility.

For me, and many I know, it was my pain that caused me to open to a wider version of life than I ever knew was possible. I embraced personal growth, spirituality and eventually God. I reveled in the peace, the love, the joy that was found in such communities. The safe space that was created when wounded but loving people joined together in search of healing and happiness. I LOVED THIS! But I embraced it so much I stopped interacting in the real world. I lost focus on my career, on life. All I wanted to do was healing type activities and spend time with healing focused people. I lost balance. I lived in my higher chakras and not my lower chakras.

To be truly healthy we need to live in both worlds, to interact with all people and to spread love where ever we go. It doesn’t matter what your job is, you can spread love with those you interact with – be it just a smile, a kind word, a listening ear. You can positively impact all that you come in contact with, just by being YOU, just by being patient, kind and loving. That is being of service. You don’t have to go live in an ashram or give up all your material possessions. You just need balance – a foot in each world. We are spiritual beings in human bodies living an Earthly life.

Snippets of wisdom….

Snippets of wisdom channeled June 2013.

Follow your intuition, when it guides you to something but otherwise just BE, turn within – the answers you seek are there.

Don’t force yourself to do anything. Wait until you want to do something then do it.

This advice was given to me by my higher self when I was struggling to do what I felt I needed to do. I felt overburdened emotionally and physically with my to do list. Spirit advised me to be kind to myself, to not force myself to keep doing, doing, doing. This has been one of my biggest patterns this lifetime – I value work and achieving and have seen resting as foolish and lazy. Of course keeping busy means you don’t have to feel the emotions building inside, you can keep shoving them down until of course they explode! Not an effective coping mechanism in the long run.

I find it hard to shut off if I have something I feel I need to do. But I have followed my higher self’s advice often enough to know it is true. If I force myself to mark those assignments or do that task which I don’t really feel like doing, I end up doing it but it s hard work, I’m resentful and exhausted by it. Whereas if I trust that I don’t feel like it for a reason, if I go off and read a book, go for a walk, or call a friend – if I honour my needs first – then sure enough a time does come when I am willing to do the task and I can now do it from a place of love and joy. Sometimes it seems like time is running out, but the task always gets done. A burst of energy comes when needed. I am learning to trust this process and surrender into grace, into God’s timing not my timing.

Snippets of wisdom….

Snippets of wisdom channeled May – June 2013.

Just do what makes you happy.

You don’t need fixing neither does anyone else. Just spread love.

When you feel despair know that you’ve lost resonance – you’ve lowered energy and gone into shadow – so do a balancing process and reconnect to your radiant self, to God and to your heart.

Many of us feel like we need fixing, like there is something wrong with us, that we’re not good enough or not okay as we are. In reality that is just our perception based on a lot of conditioning from the past. When we fall into this way of thinking it is easy to beat ourselves up, to become angry or upset, to fall into despair and grief. The black hole can get bigger and bigger depending on our thinking patterns and the actions we take.

When you start to beat yourself up, stop, take a deep breath and a step back. Try to witness what is going on and to see where you are feeling vulnerable. What is it that has been triggered? What is it that you are afraid of? Send yourself love. Give yourself the consolation and comfort that you need. Be the good parent to your own inner child.

We actually are all perfect as we are. Any damage we carry is just emotional baggage that can be released. We are still whole and complete underneath it. We just have to release the baggage and take off all those layers of protection that keep us feeling small and behaving that way.

To do that all we need to do is to accept our self and how we are feeling. So instead of beating your self up, stop, breathe, recognise the pattern and the thoughts. Send love to your self and the parts of you that are hurting. Breathe into your heart chakra and connect with your emotions. Allow them to flow through you. Just breathe. If you need to scream, scream. If you need to cry, cry. If you need to release rage do so – just do it in a way that does not hurt you or anyone else. Some people yell, some people punch a punching bag, go for a long walk or run, do whatever you need to do to shift the emotion. And know it is just that emotion. Once you release it you can balance back up.

Many of us are afraid to release our emotions, afraid that if we let some of it out, the rest will come pouring out and over whelm us. It’s okay. Support yourself through the process. If you need to have a friend with you, do so or if you need to have someone you can ring if you really struggle then arrange it. If you need to see a therapist to help you learn the skills of emotional release and balancing then do so. Whatever works for you is okay. There’s no need to keep swallowing it and pushing it down. You don’t need to punish yourself any more. Let freedom in. Make space for it by clearing out the old emotions and baggage. Create space for love, joy, laughter and peace. It is well worth the effort!


Snippets of wisdom…..

Snippets of wisdom channeled April 2013.

You judged, feared, panicked and it was not necessary. God will always take care of you and provide what you need.

You are struggling because you resist what is.

You are not broken and you don’t need fixing. You forget that when you feel blue. Remember you are perfect as you are.

Expect less, enjoy more…

Wisdom from Amma – poems about our relationship with nature

Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, or AMMA (“Mother”) as she is affectionately known, is world-renowned as an extraordinary humanitarian and spiritual leader who is transforming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. From her headquarters in Amritapuri, Kerala, India, Amma has established numerous projects for the service of humanity, and travels the world annually spreading her boundless compassion and love in a most personal way ~ she has embraced (hugged) over 30 million people.

“Human beings are not different from Nature, we are part of Nature. Our very existence on earth depends upon Nature. In truth it is not we who protect Nature but Nature who protects us”. p26

“Without Nature no creature, no human being, nothing would exist. Thus it is our responsibility to lovingly care for every living being.” p27

“In modern times we have chopped down all the forests on earth and have planted jungles in our minds.” p28

“How easily Nature overcomes every obstacle. The tiny ant walks over the stone. The roots of the tree embrace the rocks in the soil. The river flows around every log and boulder in its way. Like Nature, we should adapt to life’s circumstances, overcoming them with patience and enthusiasm.” p31

The above are short poems from the 2009 book titled ‘Messages from Amma: in the language of the heart’, edited by Janine Canan and published by Jaico.