Fear – releasing it and living life more fully

A 2 day workshop to help you explore the source of your fear and how to release it, so you can live your life more freely. The course will utilise concepts from Family Constellations to help discover insights into any family history and connection with fear passed on genetically, along the ancestral line.

amazing-736881_1280 (free Pixabay)We will discuss scientific findings of how fear impacts the brain and body, and ways to slow the mind down so you come out of fight, flight or freeze and can think more clearly. You will be given tools to support yourself in moments of fear and learn about ways to soothe your body, coming out of hyperarousal, back to a calm state.

We will discuss self love and practices to connect deeply within to yourself and your inner child, so that you can heal the causes of distress and not need to be retriggered so much externally. When you heal the pain and trauma within, your body relaxes and outside factors don’t impact you as much.

You will learn tools and concepts that you can use in your daily life, to support yourself as you move forward, doing what you want, not letting fear stop you dead in your tracks. Here’s to a life of adventure and excitement, not fear and dread.

The workshop will be held in Meadows, South Australia. Limited places are available.

To book call Jodi-Anne on 0416 089 600 or email using the below contact form.

Cost $250 or $220 concession.

Next date: To Be Advised, Time: 10am-4pm

[contact-form to=’jodiannemsmith.com@gmail.com’ subject=’Fear – releasing it and living life more fully’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]