How to live life as if love is all that existed?

yellow roseLife is actually full of love, but few people see or feel this. For most people life is full of struggle and fear, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Life is full of love, it is everywhere, because it is our primal nature, it is what energy is made from.

Babies are so loving because they are still in that primal state and their vibration brings out love in us too. Being so primal all their emotions are very pure, so when they are upset we know about it and that too can pull out a matching emotion or vibration in us. Babies are in touch with their essence, their core self and as such are very magnetic energetically.

As each of us heals our hurts, our disappointments with life, our conditioning and past wrong doings, as we heal and forgive ourselves and others we too return to our core essence which is love. We feel love all around us and for all beings.

It feels so good to feel love as a predominant feeling that in time we choose it in most circumstances. We choose not to judge others and accept what is. We choose to let go and not take things personally when someone treats us less than ideally. We choose to send love and pray for others who are hurting, but don’t allow ourselves to get caught in the drama or to be a victim rescuing others. We learn to stand strong in our personal power, yet still be soft, gentle and available for all – when we choose to. We also take time to honour our self and meet our own needs. When we live in this way, with balance between self and others, between work and play, between service and self indulgence, we have inner peace and satisfaction with life, as we know we matter, our actions serve the world, and benefit all including ourselves.

Many of you put yourself last, doing everything for others, self sacrificing then wonder why you feel depleted, less than joyful or happy with life. You need to honour you. You need to fill your own cup – to meet your own needs, so you are happy and fulfilled and energised, then you can give to others freely, easily and joyfully. Doing so fills you up further rather than depletes you.

Many of you give as you don’t feel you deserve to receive or it may feel unsafe to receive. For some it is scary to receive and trust another’s presence in your life. For some independence has become so strong in them that they always have to be the BIG one and make the other the SMALL one, they act as if they are better than somehow, when really they are scared to receive and coping the only way they worked out how.

You don’t need to please others all the time to be accepted. It truly is okay to please yourself. You are allowed to treat yourself well. You are allowed to be happy, truly you are. You are allowed to do what you want. So many of you were told NO constantly as children, that you say it to yourself before you even assess whether or not you can have or do what you want. We tell you, you can have it or do it. As long as what you are doing is not hurting others have it, do it, become it.

You have a right to be happy and do what you want. You have a right to enjoy your life and live it with passion, feeling alive and vital and excited about your days. You are allowed to live life to the full. No need to accept a life of mediocrity, of survival, of just getting by. Life is here for you to make the most of it, to evolve and grow, to live and learn, to serve and love, to enjoy freedom and have fun. You truly are allowed to be in love with yourself and your life.

Most of you hate yourselves or at least doubt yourselves and your ability to earn a decent income doing what you love. You hold back out of fear, fear of embarrassment, failure, loss of self esteem, self worth, etc. This is all flawed thinking. Success is trying. Success is learning what works and doesn’t work and trying again. Success is moving forward and evolving and being of service to self and others. Success is breaking the mould and living passionately.

You can do it. You will do it and when you do you will be bathed in love and know that is all there really is in life that matters – it is matter, the material the Universe is made of – let yourself embody love, become love for self, others and life. It is who you truly are, drop into your heart and live from there. Let the mind rest and work with the heart. You can be guided forward from within if you just listen for that quiet inner voice that knows what is best for you to do, what is in line with your highest good and purpose here on Earth. Life can be full of love when you drop the veils that have been hiding the truth all along. You are love, you are loved and you are perfectly okay just as you are. Live life with passion and enjoy it. It is what you came here to do. Blessed BE. Amen.

By Jodi-Anne (01 September 2016).

Further free guidance on healing techniques and self love are available on the Life Insights and Healing from child abuse pages of this website.

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