Decision making

Sometimes it can be challenging to make a decision. Here are some helpful concepts from Susan Jeffer’s fabulous book ‘Feal the Fear and do it anyway’. Below is a table you can use to help you think through the implications of each action you are considering.

If I choose this course of action
The self
Gains for self Acceptable to me because: Not acceptable to me because:
Losses for self Acceptable to me because: Not acceptable to me because:
Significant others
Gains for significant others Acceptable to me because: Not acceptable to me because:
Losses for significant others Acceptable to me because: Not acceptable to me because:
Life balance
Gains for life balance Acceptable to me because: Not acceptable to me because:
Losses for life balance Acceptable to me because: Not acceptable to me because:

I find the below diagrams and summaries useful in reminding me that there is no wrong action to take. If we don’t like the results we get we can just change course. It is also helpful to realise that not taking action is a decision too! One that we often make over and over while we worry and procrastinate.

no win decisionno lose decision

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